Holiday time can be a mixed bag. And in 2020, it’s a mixed bag inside a mixed bag inside another mixed bag. Here are some thoughts I have for you:
- If you’ve been feeling excited about the holidays despite the craziness of 2020…that’s okay.
- If you usually dread the holiday season and this year is no exception…that’s okay.
- If one moment you feel joy and the next moment you feel grief…that’s okay.
Whatever you’re experiencing, it’s okay. There isn’t a way you should or shouldn’t feel this holiday season. As much as you are able, stand in your reality of what this season is like for you. Even if that reality is different than someone else’s.
Your reality means your thoughts, your feelings and your experience of this season – not other people’s thoughts, feelings and experiences — yours. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider or care about others’ reality during this time. Caring about what’s happening for another person is part of being relational and that’s a good thing. Just try not to let the reality of others determine yours.
Be present and available to whatever you might experience this season. If you usually dread the holidays, be open to the possibility that there might be moments of joy. If you love the holidays and it’s typically a super fun time for you, let it be okay if you experience some sadness this year.
One moment at a time, show up and be present in whatever ways you know how. Be as kind, gentle and patient with yourself as you can. Reach out to your recovery community when you need help or want authentic connection.
I’ll say it again, whatever you’re experiencing this holiday season, it’s okay. My hope for you is that you are as open and present to your experience as you can be.
Peace on the journey,